Defeating the Purpose of Waste Segregation in the Philippines

Separating plastics from biodegradable wastes; labeling trash cans--:"non-biodegradable" and "non-biodegradable"-a common practice  in the Philippines. Formally cloak as solid-waste management programs,  waste segregation projects of the government or of civil society are essentially futile for several reasons.

Well, we have been too preoccupied of segregating solid wastes through the use of separate garbage bins in the Philippines. I myself have been fooled of such idea, thinking that it would solve some environmental problems. However, such action is merely touching the surface.

After disposing and segregating solid wastes using distinct garbage bins, most of us forget that that there is still something we need to do. Did you know that when garbage collectors gather all the wastes from the bins, they just lump them together in one dump truck! Thereafter, the wastes will be  dumped in one dump site. So, what happened to waste segregation? nothing....useless...

Can we blame the garbage collectors? No....Why?

To start with, we do not have programs for recycling non-biodegradable wastes. The Philippines is too poor for the government to construct plastic recycling plants nationwide. or even support junk shops or the like. Furthermore, citizens are not fully educated even informed about waste segregation. There were no seminars on such things in the barangays... Have the government initiated such projects? They may...but only to the extent of providing garbage bins!
Nevertheless, even if all people would cooperate in waste segregation programs by using those classified garbage bins, it is futile if we dumped such wastes on the same dump site...

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